Hotels in Macedonia, Skopje 3
Continental Skopje ****
Offer: 9783, Location Macedonia, SkopjeHotel Continental Skopje is located in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, a 5-minute drive from the city centre and a 20-minute drive from the Alexander Great Airport . This 4-star hotel, renovated in 2005, offers accommodation in 186 air conditioned guest rooms and suites in good condition. There is a lobby with 24-hour reception, a hotel ...
Kamnik Skopje ****
Offer: 9784, Location Macedonia, SkopjeHotel Kamnik Skopje is located in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, close to city centre. This 4-star hotel offers accommodation in 20 air conditioned guest rooms with cable TV, direct dial telephone and a private bathroom. There is a restaurant, an indoor shooting with automatic targets and shooting with laser gun, a gym and outdoor tennis ...
Royal Skopje ****
Offer: 9782, Location Macedonia, SkopjeHotel Royal Skopje is located in city center of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. This 4-star hotel, built in 2010, offers accommodation in 30 air conditioned guest rooms and suites in good condition. There is a lobby with 24-hour reception, lift, a bar, restaurant, meeting room, free 24-hour wireless Internet access and a 24-hour service.
Tour operator and Tour agent License – Certificate of registration № РКК- 01- 05979. Tour operator’s insurance pursuant to Article 42 of the Tourism Act with Policy № 34133210000215 date of expiry 24.08.2013 of IC BI - Vienna Insurance Group.
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